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Starting Solids: A Guide To Complimentary Feeding

Day: Saturday
1st October 2022
12.30pm – 2.00pm

When breast milk is no longer enough to meet the nutritional needs of the infant, complementary foods should be added to the diet of the child. The transition from exclusive breastfeeding to family foods is referred to as weaning or complementary feeding. It covers the period from 6 months to 18-24 months of age and is a very vulnerable period. Delay or failure to fully transition could lead to stunting of growth and malnutrition.

As a mum, you need to be well informed to navigate this transitional period as well as you can. There are many questions Mums have about the best food to start with, drinks to give (or not to), quantities to give during weaning, feeding time-tables amongst others. This session will address all the issues above and seek to put you at ease as you prepare to transition your baby.

This informative session will be hosted by a resourceful team eager to help you know what you can make, help you view food textures and make informative diet decisions for your child. Do come prepared with your questions and learn practical things you can do to make this process as informative and as practical as possible.


Baby Banda has worked with mothers for many years and we have collected questions that you have asked about your pregnancy and children and even about your relationships with significant others as you navigate parenting. Our website has an amazing Question and Answer Database that has all the questions you have asked and we update it with fresh content as you interact with us. Might you have a nagging question? Visit our website and you will find what you need.

Burping Cloth

Spit up? No worries. We’ve got you covered with the convenient Baby Banda Burping Clothes. They are absorbent, easy to wash and use. The product is made from flannel sheet fabric and is available in sets of 4. To view and purchase this product please click here